Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kindness In Life

Hari ni 'Reader Digest' Mac 2009 punye da sampai..hahaha..buku tu mmg selalu sampai awal...x pelah..blh gak m'bace sst yg b'gune selain komik yg aku hadap tiap2 hari ni (?? komik = kategori b'gune ke?..lantak,malas nk tukar ayat blk)

Sblm ak melalut lbh jauh, back to the reader digest, cover title die psal 'kindness' n the feature article is about why kindness is good for you. dlm article tu ade la a few statistic on kindness and health;  groups with many altruists tend to survive (Prof. Sam Bowles, Santa Fe Institute, AS); random act of kindness can also make us happier (Prof Sonja Lyubomirsky, U of California)..and bla3 ...pas tu ak t'fkr and recall blk saat2 ak jd kind (yg sekali sekala tu)
1. penah la jugak kasi seat dlm bus ntuk makcik yg tgh pegang plastic giant yg agak besar
2. penah jugak stop sorg pakcik buta sblm dye melangkah melebihi grsan kuning kt putra kl central.. at first i thought i was just gonna pretend not to see the uncle, but..tch..can't really believe i stop that uncle..
3. tlg class teacher ak angkat brg time form 5, the only teacher i like if i'm not mistaken..oho..miss bei yan (cikgu ntuk american music mus1800) pun ak penah tlg bwk kertas2 dye gak
4. cook poridge for an ill fever
5. pays dinner for someone who's at the moment..penniless..
6. kasitau kt sorg budak ni yg kalau nk ke kl central naik tren ni, bukn tren seberang kt KTM subang jaya..just like helping a lost person la..
7. told someone (waiter/waitress, pakcik taxi, makck jual kuih) to keep the change

mungkin ade cam x igt je..mungkin jgk ini je yg ak wat baik..ntah..aku serah pd Yang Esa.. but i was raised, there MUST be MORE!! while typing the kind act i've done, i tried to recall the feeling, sensation i got after doing all of those deed, which is..........................(fikir pnjg).............................

1.relief, we malaysians, in my opinion was taught to be kind since our toddler days; mengalah ntuk yg kecik, offer la org laen, share2 la, derma la ntuk tabng kebajikan, kalu gi masjid hr jumaat, jgn lupe mskkn duit..bla3..or maybe it is just in our blood, as a human that if we see someone less fortunate than us, we tend to help..and if we doesn't offer any aid, we'll leave the scene with a bit of least this is how i would feel if i'm in the kind of situation of not able to the relief feeling i get maybe refer to the "hu~ aku da tlg da org tu" inner-self, kindness is a kind of social obligation??

2.then, i feel proud, this is normal i guess..we humans are selfish and self-centered, if once in a while i did not think about myself and think about others, i feel proud inside..hehehe

3. happy..of course~~ :D

dlm artikel reader digest tu jugak, dye ade sebut..'people enjoy being kind to others much as they enjoy eating ice-cream. It gives us pleasure'..and when i tries to relate with the feeling i's totally true..

p/s Favourite quote about kindness

Kindness in words creates confidence; kindness in thinking creates profoundness; kindness in giving creates love. 
- Lao Tzu

Kindness is a language; which the deaf can hear, the mute can speak and, the blind can see 



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